Pandodyssey™ Panda Blog

This is a blog devoted to Giant Panda enthusiasts, environmental wanna-bes and peace loving funimals, world-wide.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day is here!

In honor of Blog Action Day, here are some fun quasi-environment related nuggets.

* According to photographer-artist, Chris Jordan, 106,000 aluminum cans are consumed in the US every THIRTY seconds! I haven't checked this fact out myself but I heard it on The Colbert Report, so therefore it must be true. Mr. Jordan created a replica of George Seurat's "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" using 106,000 aluminum cans. Mr. Jordan also stated that 426,000 cell phones are thrown out in the US every day. Go check out his work and his statements on American consumerism. (Plus, he's kinda cute in that clark-kent-might-be-Superman-in-disguise kinda way.)

* The wonderful and fabulous sister o' mine sent me a delightful gift! She said she was sending me a "panda snack" so I assumed it was edible but it's not. It's a shirt made by Panda Snack, a NYC clothing and apparel company that features clothing made of bamboo! In case you hadn't heard, bamboo is the latest and greatest wonder-fiber to hit the market. Why? According to the company, it's green because bamboo is renewable and sustainable. Bamboo is naturally resistant to plant disease and microbial bad guys so pesticides are not necessary to grow it so that makes it organic! Bamboo's natural resistance to microbes gives it anti-bacterial properties as well so you won't stink. As much. Unlike other apparel companies that advertise anti-bacterial products, this one is naturally anti-bac so there's no danger of skin irritation or harm to the environment during production. Bamboo also breathes, also helping you not to stink. As much. The best part? A portion of the proceeds go to panda preservation. You can visit the website at and listen to their funky new age music. My impression? I LOVE it! It's soft and comfy and machine-washable and has a cute little panda logo on it. Gotta love that. Neither I nor my sister are in any way affiliated with this company.

* Cut down on pesky mail that you neither asked for nor want by going to Your mail carrier will thank you.

Happy Blog Action Day! Now go forth and do something green!

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